I have been having a quick practice on painting a portrait as I have never done one before, I think for my first one I have been finding my feet a lot and the eyes I found especially difficult as I have never struggled before when painting animals eyes, however the eyelids and eyelashes seem more tricky with people. I also found myself trying to paint her skin like fur and I had to think about smoothing it out a lot more. I found myself getting carried away with the paint and painting quite thickly again as I found it easier, but now I have an idea and a starting point with a portrait, I think it will become much easier the next time I paint one especially because the image I was looking at for this painting was in black and white so I had to decide the colours myself.
Again the nightingale is a practice painting, even though I have been used to painting a lot of animals I have mainly painted mammals and have only ever painted one bird painting before this one, and find them more tricky.

In a way I'm quite excited about painting something really out of my comfort zone as well as being quite nervous too, I think it will be really interesting to see how it turns out as it will be very unpredictable and may not even look how I imagined it to.
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